

Sry guys i had to move to Moai soon i will be port most of the Code and release a new version for Android and iOS


Working on some updates and fixes

I am still working on updates for the game. I hope i have all thing fix and can release it soon.


Soon new updates

Will rework the UI soon and some addons like High/Low bet for the game.
Thank you for all the support so far... i have more than 800 downloads for the beta.


Corona SDK got a new Sprite api

Sry guy for no update but i working on a port to the next sprite engine. The graphices will be improve i hope you like it. Update soon.


Some updates for card and the other is getting to release soon.

Thx for the support everybody. I will launch a other blog too soon with some update on my other projects.


Sick again fixed some bugs

Sry guys for no updates. I will release more information soon. I online multiplayer is also in development.
One guy will play the bank the other the player.

2 more games are current in development and a Ebook.
Thx for the support guys. My beta reach 300 downloads.